Watch: Capital Access Roundtable with FUNDERS and INVESTORS

On Wednesday, April 27, 2022, we hosted 50 funders and investors from Impact Funds, Institutional Foundations, Venture Capital Firms, CDFIs, Federal Reserve Banks, Philanthropic and Business Support Organizations, Policy Advisors on Community Reinvestment and other Stakeholders in the capital access space across the United States of America. Click here to watch this session, and write us (at;; on your insights and any additional resources on capital access for Black and Hispanic businesses. We would love to hear from you! Click here to watch

Guest Speakers

Feedback from Past Webinar!

I am excited about the opportunity to share and learn from other organizations. I am noticing that the” one size fits all” program structure is not working for entrepreneurs, more tailored programs are needed.

“I will start exploring new revenue sharing models; how to support and scale efforts to best “shared back office” framework; and explore mechanisms available for community development organizations and ESOs to partner with CDFI and banks to develop capital pools”